14 December, 2010


Campo Santo has recently been translated into Dutch!
In this archive picture I'm surrounded by some of the finest, but I suppose I've made myself clear preference wise.

08 December, 2010

Even Worse

For some it's even worse, the cold. I mean, I've got Merodema to take care of me, but him? He's rereading Dickens!

04 December, 2010

No refusal

No, I've never refused an outstretched hand.

30 November, 2010

Only dream

There are times you can only dream of.
With sunshine, flowers, and assorted beautiful weather.

27 November, 2010


Oh, how would I love to float softly under the wings of my dear tarnsparent friend to warmer places...

23 November, 2010


cold's creeping closer

22 November, 2010


.... but never hesitate to push the right button in the end, to unveil the one choice you had to make.


One must always be aware, in mediation too, that there are many choices, seemingly an endless variety...

21 November, 2010


One has to make a firm stand when trying to mediate, but once that's settled, it'll all go smoothly.

20 November, 2010


Bridging people, helping them to cross - that's what mediation is all about. With me shining at the side.

18 November, 2010


Yes, very. You may be surprised at the level of mediation skills I have been able to exercise!

I had!

Yes, I did have my own stamp, if only it was a Dutch one

17 November, 2010

No, we don't

no, we don't speak the same language!


Yes, I do like stories from others too. Sometimes.

14 November, 2010

On & on ...

... it goes, a workload that never ends...

13 November, 2010


Yes, I have been far away. Travelling for a long time. Though most of those adventures will only be published when I've digested them into a presentable form. That may take a while, indeed never happen. To satisfy your most urgent needs, I'll delve again in the ramarchives.

12 November, 2010

Been busy

Been busy and that will probably continue too, but to pick up old pieces, I'll be delving in the Ramarchives for a while.